Home free use equipment

Chris Cooke

Front core Open chain Squat Whole body Up
About this workout

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Exercises in this workout

Exercise Duration
3 Burpee, alternating squat thrust & shoulder press with medicine ball 00:40
4 Dumbell Alternate Lateral Raise 00:35
5 Squat with extension and sand bag slam (150511183) 00:23
6 Lunge forward right transverse placing cones right then picking up left 00:27
7 Battle rope alternating arm lifts up and down 00:34
8 Alternate split squat jump 00:33
10 Straight leg ball lifts 00:35
11 Left step forward with internal foot rotation, external rotation left holding pole 00:31
12 Lunge forward left with plate weight press 00:32
13 Kettlebell clean & single press right 00:34
14 Squat walk frontal left to right with resistance band 00:37
15 Bentover barbell row external rotation right 00:31
16 Swing multi direction and squat (150702148) 00:25
17 Steelbell throws with right lunge retrieve Sagittal, frontal & transverse 00:33
18 Golf swing 00:33
19 Lunge forward left with vipr drive left and up (150511286) 00:24
20 tricep extension alternate 00:31
21 Forwards backwards left to right travelling agility 00:41
22 Single leg deadlift left with bag 00:33
23 Kneeling right leg CMT Throw left external rotation 00:33
24 Forward flexion left arm to right ankle, extension and rotation left 00:33