Cherron Pilates Workout

Chris Cooke

Core Front core Open chain Whole body Right
About this workout

Exercises in this workout

Exercise Duration
1 Up and down balance stretch right 00:39
2 Up and down balance stretch left 00:41
4 Crunch with pelvic tilt 00:43
5 Knee drops alternates 00:32
6 Shoulder bridge 00:49
7 pelvic tilt 00:37
8 Shoulder bridge with arm rotations 00:44
9 Knee drops together 00:42
10 knee drops in sync 00:35
11 knees apart pelvic tilt 00:35
12 Leg stretch mobilizer left 00:36
13 Single leg stretch right 00:33
14 Single leg stretch left 00:34
15 Raised leg knee drops 00:40